Monday, 30 December 2013

UPSC NDA and Naval Academy Examination 2014 Notification


Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is all set to conduct the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I) 2014 on 20 April 2014 for admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of the NDA for the 133rd course and for the 95th Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC) commencing 2 January 2015. Unmarried males interested in joining either of the services can apply online till 20 January 2014.

Important Dates

Last Date to apply online: 20 January 2014

Date of written Exam: 20 April 2014

Examination/Vacancy Detail

Number of Vacancies to be filled through this Examination:

National Defence Academy (NDA): 320 [208-Army; 42-Navy; 70-Air Force]

Naval Academy (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme): 55

Total Number of Vacancies: 375

NOTE: The number of vacancies is tentative.

[Candidates joining Naval Academy will undergo 4 years B.Tech. Course and will be given an opportunity to join Executive and Technical Branches of the Navy.]

Eligibility Criteria

Age Limits

Candidates born between 2 January 1995 and 1 July 1998 (both days inclusive) are eligible to apply.

Educational Qualification

Army wing of NDA:
12th (10+2 pattern) or equivalent from a State Education Board / University.
Air Force and Naval wing of NDA and (10+2) Cadet Entry Scheme at Naval Academy: 12th (10+2 pattern) or equivalent with Physics and Mathematics from a State Education Board / University.

Candidates appearing for their 12th (10+2 pattern) or equivalent examination can apply. These candidates will have to submit the proof of their passing the mentioned exam by 5 December 2014.

Examination Fee

Candidates are required to pay an examination fee of Rs.100 either by depositing the money in any Branch of State Bank of India by cash, or by using net banking facility of State Bank of India / State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur / State Bank of Hyderabad / State Bank of Mysore / State Bank of Patiala / State Bank of Travancore or through Visa / Master Credit / Debit Card.
(SC / ST candidates are exempted from payment of fees.)

Selection Procedure

Admission will be made on the basis of candidates’ performance in the Written Exam and in the Intelligence and Personality test.

Candidates qualifying the Written Exam will only be allowed to appear for the Intelligence and Personality test

The written exam will be of Objective Type Multiple Choice with provision of negative marking for wrong answer.

The result of written exam is likely to be declared in July 2014.

Candidates must specify the service for which he wishes to be considered for, in order of his preference. They will be considered for admission to only those services which they opted for so, they should make maximum preferences.

Candidates selected for exam will be informed of the time table and place (s) of exam. Candidates must undertake not to marry until they complete their training. Those who marry during training would be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred by the Government on him.

Examination Centre

The examination will be held at – Agartala, Ahmedabad, Aizawal, Allahabad, Bangalore, Bareilly, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cuttack, Dehradun, Delhi, Dharwad, Dispur, Gangtok, Hyderabad, Imphal, Itanagar, Jaipur, Jammu, Jorhat, Kochi, Kohima, Kolkata, Lucknow, Madurai, Mumbai, Nagpur, Panaji (Goa), Patna, Port Blair, Raipur, Ranchi, Sambalpur, Shillong, Shimla, Srinagar, Thiruvananthapuram, Thapuram, Tirupati, Udaipur, Vishakhapatnam.

How to Apply

Interested Candidates are required to apply online by using the UPSC’s website: on or before 20 January 2014.

The applicants are advised to submit only one application. However, if due to any unavoidable situation, a candidate submits another/multiple applications, then the application with the higher RID (Registration ID) will be entertained by the Commission and fee paid against one RID shall not be adjusted against any other RID.

Eligible candidates will be issued an e-Admission Certificate 3 (three) weeks before the commencement of the examination. The e-Admission Certificate will be made available on the UPSC website [] for downloading.

All applicants should provide a valid, active e-mail ID for correspondence related to issue of admit cards, results etc.

Originals of documents / certificates will have to be produced at the time of Interview. During verification, if any of the claims made in the application is found to be incorrect, then the Commission is authorized to initiate action against the candidate.

Facilitation Counter for Candidates: In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding application, candidature etc. candidates can contact in person UPSC’s Facilitation Counter, near Gate ‘C’ of its campus or over Telephone: 011-23385271/011-23381125/011- 23098543 on any working day between 10.00 hrs. and 17.00 hrs.

Detailed instructions are available on the Commission’s official website

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युवाओं में फेसबुक का क्रेज अब धीरे-धीरे खत्म होता जा रहा है. सोशल मीडिया पर हाल ही में हुए एक अध्ययन में ये बात सामने आई है. रिसर्च में ये दावा किया गया है कि अब टीनएजर्स फेसबुक से नाता तोड़कर ट्विटर, इंस्टाग्राम, स्नैपचैट और वाट्सएप की तरफ रुख कर रहे हैं.
खबर के मुताबिक अध्ययन में ये बात सामने आई है कि अब पेरेंट्स और रिश्तेदार अपने बच्चों की फेसबुक प्रोफाइल में ताक-झांक करने लगे हैं. वह फेसबुक के जरिए किशोरावस्था में प्रवेश कर चुके अपने बच्चों की निजी गतिविधियों पर नजर रखते हैं. ऐसे में अपनी प्राइवेट बातों को गोपनीय रखने के लिए ये टीनएजर्स तेजी से फेसबुक से दूर भाग रहे हैं. मां-बाप और किसी करीबी रिश्तेदार द्वारा फ्रेंड रिक्वेस्ट भेजना उन्हें बहुत खराब लगता है.
दरअसल परिवार के सदस्य इस सोशल नेटवर्किंग वेबसाइट के जरिए अपने बच्चों के संपर्क में रहना चाहते हैं. जो कि टीनएजर्स को बिल्कुल नहीं भा रहा. ऐसी स्थिति में वह अन्य कूल सोशल मीडिया साइट्स की ओर देख रहे हैं.
लंदन यूनिवर्सिटी कॉलेज से जुड़े शोधकर्ताओं ने सोशल मीडिया पर बदलते ट्रेंड को देखने के लिए भारत, चीन, ब्राजील, ब्रिटेन समेत कुल सात देशों में स्टडी की.
एक शोधकर्ता ने कहा, 'हालांकि ऐसा नहीं है कि फेसबुक पूरी तरह खत्म हो जाएगा. ये बुजुर्गों और उनके रिश्तेदारों को संपर्क में रखने का अहम जरिया बन गया है. लेकिन ब्रिटेन के युवा वर्ग में ये धीरे-धीरे लुप्त हो रहा है. मेरा मानना है कि ये रुझान धीरे-धीरे अन्य देशों में भी शुरू हो जाएगा.'

Saturday, 28 December 2013

5 JVM Shyamli, Ranchi Students excel in Olympiad

From: Prabhat Khabar

ओलंपियाड में जेवीएम श्यामली के पांच विद्यार्थियों का चयन
अर्चना कुमारी प्राणजल कुमार सौरभ अरका सौरभरांची. जवाहर विद्या मंदिर, श्यामली के 11वीं कक्षा के पांच विद्यार्थियों का चयन राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर आयोजित रिजनल मैथेमेटिक्स ओलंपियाड-2013 के लिए किया गया है. इनमें अर्चना कुमारी, अरका सौरभ, कुमार सौरभ, प्रांजल प्रसून व अरूप आनंद शामिल हैं. इसके अलावा 11वीं कक्षा के ही 11 विद्यार्थी और 12वीं कक्षा के एक विद्यार्थी किशोर वैज्ञानिक प्रोत्साहन योजना 2013 के तहत फाइनल राउंड के लिए क्वालिफाइ किये हैं. यह जानकारी प्राचार्य एके सिंह ने दी.

Last three months Plan for JEE Advanced 2014

 Last three months Plan for IIT-JEE...........................bY Students of (Btech - IIT Delhi) Shared from the Facebook Status of Mr Abhishek Pandey, Centre Head, FIITJEE, Bhopal

As the most prestigious IIT-JEE exam comes nearer (especially when only 3 months are left), it brings along a lot of anxiety and nervousness for the students every year. Every year, I get (and getting as usual) a lot of queries on how to effectively utilize this period to extract maximum out of the minimum amount of time left especially by 12th class studying students since they have Board exams also which will definitely eat up a lot of their important time and energy. I thought of writing this article so that maximum students can get maximum benefit out of my learning and experience.
I am going to share some important points which, in general, will apply to most of you. Here we go :

1. First and most important of all. We should have a Revision copy/booklet. Let’s see how and what kind of purpose will it serve and what should be its contents.(a) Divide the copy in 3 parts (each for subject : PCM).(b) For each of the chapter, write 2-3 pages (on an average) summary. You should write all the important formulas and important tips/points which you gathered while you were attending your classes, practicing from your institute booklets or revising (earlier) on that topic. I believe you all do make your class notes.(c) Try to be as short and particular as you can while you are writing or planning to write. Please don’t write the whole story. Be precise. In some cases, you may be writing 4-5 pages of summary (especially in Mathematic topics and in Organic Chemistry) so don’t worry.(d) The purpose of this copy is to revise quickly and efficiently and in lesser time. Also, you should have confidence on whatever summary you are making. What I mean here is that you should not be running back and forth to your class copies and chapters while you are revising from this copy otherwise you will never be able to rely on this which will defeat the whole objective.(e) This will also help in other competitive exams since the syllabus overlap between them is generally more than 95%. So, you are in a win-win situation.(f) You should have a smile on your face whenever you revise any particular topic from your beloved copy.
Don’t worry if you still haven’t made a similar one or you have made with your own thinking. I idea is that it should serve the purpose and if it does, that’s it. In case, you haven’t worked on this yet, I will recommend that you should make one such and you don’t have to spend 2-3 weeks especially and dedicatedly on this at a stretch. Start working on this when you are revising any topic and build this gradually (say over a month or so).

2. Take help from Technology. If possible, record all the important points (which you have just written in your revision copy) in your own sweet voice in your phone/iPod or on any other storage device. I will not recommend speaking out whole tons of formulas. Record just the important concepts. You can listen to them whenever you are traveling for your class or anytime between your breaks. This will keep you engaged and you will soon remember most of them by heart. This couldn’t be done 10 years back but much possible, easy to do and inexpensive today. Don’t worry if you can’t do this. You still have your revision copy.

3. Set your biological clock. I think it is the time when you should start working on yourself on biological terms. I come across a lot of students who don’t deliver their performance in exams as most of them suffer from “Night Study” syndrome. So, please stop studying at nights (You can/may study till 11:00-11:30 PM at maximum). Please start building the habit of waking up early. I will recommend “atleast” 2 three hours sittings from 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon and 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM. The idea is to deliver maximum output during this time duration (as these are the JEE paper timings). Whenever you are studying, you should be doing that on a Table-Chair combination and not on a sofa or your bed. You should be in a tidy position every time you sit for studies. Wear jeans/T-Shirt/Pull Overs while studying.

4. Practice a lot. You need to practice a lot during this crucial period of 3 months. Let’s see what all you can practice.(a) You have to ensure that you do a test paper (of 3 hours : PCM) practice every day.(b) What all can be practiced ? This should include : Previous years JEE papers (atleast last 5 years is the minimum you should do), all previous Test series (Mock JEE or any 3 hours test) held at your institutes. You can also make practice test papers on your own (rather take parents help) from the additional problem sets or workshops or other packaged problem sets you must have got from your respective institutes.

The whole idea is that you should have a habit of doing atleast one paper every day. I will advice you not to rush for altogether new questions in form of new books in the market. It is more advisable and recommended to practice the ones which you are getting from your institutes. We may think over the new questions if time and energy permits.

5. Plan your studies. This is also very crucial (Execution is more important than Planning and we, as Indians, generally, lack in execution even though we are good planners.). Please plan your studies by making very short term goals for next 2-3 days only. Don’t plan for next 2 weeks or 2 months. Very rarely, they will get executed as planned. Make targets for what all you want to cover in next 2-3 days and try to follow and achieve them with your best efforts.

6. Refresh yourself. Please don’t close yourself behind the doors and keep on inhaling your own CO2. Try to go for a morning walk everyday (These days due to icy winters, go around the time when it is some shiny out there and in upcoming months, start early) as well as an evening walk. Choose a park near your home and give yourself some time out of this tension freaked atmosphere around you. Spend around 30 minutes and you should feel a flow of positive energy. Don’t consider it as wastage of your “precious” time. Don’t be so calculative (:-)). From February onwards, I would recommend that whenever you are studying in your room and there is a window, keep it open and let some cool and fresh breeze come in.

7. Prepare for Inorganic chemistry early. Now it is the right time to start preparing for Inorganic Chemistry from NCERT (both XIth and XIIth class books) and may be from early (or may be 2nd week of) February, you can start working on it from your Institutes Inorganic Chemistry modules. You should put 1-1.5 hours every day. While you are going through this, you should underline the important points on the book itself in parallel so that you don’t have to spend extra time on this and make sure that when you will again revise (You have to do that also) sometime in February AND March, you only revise the underlined only. [The reason to refer NCERT is because I believe that you should be able to do more than 80% of the Inorganic questions in Entrance exams purely using NCERT and it will also help to prepare for your Board Exams also.

I hear from a lot of students that they feel Inorganic Chemistry is boring but I feel that if from a particular topic, question(s) is(are) coming every year, then it is important and interesting (to some extent though). So, please make your heart understand (simply listen to your mind) that it is very important to score in this branch of Chemistry and it is as important as Mathematics and Physics. You can see on your own on how many questions on s, p, d, f – block elements, Extractive Metallurgy, Surface Chemistry, Solid State, Biomolecules and Coordination Complexes have been asked in last 4-5 years of JEE. You can have a look at my analysis of JEE ranks versus marks to see how much difference Inorganic Chemistry can make. If that number still doesn’t fascinate you, I will say sorry and can’t help you further on this.

8. Be Cheerful. I think we all should try to be and remain as cheerful as we can. If, at this early stage in life, we behave like a frustrated person, we will eventually (very soon) become one such (as this will become our nature) and this is definitely going to hamper our performance in every field of our life, be it studies, job or relationship. Its ok to some extent if you are getting much less marks than your peers. I am not saying you to become a “chill pill” type person. I am suggesting/advising you to stay relaxed. I am more than confident for all those who are preparing hard for IIT-JEE that they will definitely become good engineers from good colleges (which may or may not be the IITs). Staying frustrated and anxious is only going to degrade your performance further. It is not going to buy you anything good. So, always smile.

9. Take a Pledge ( ). Take a Pledge that you will not waste your time on Cricket World Cup 2011. Please don’t let yourself ruin your careers. These cricket world cups will keep on coming in the future but this chance of doing something for yourself will not come back. Believe me that this period is very very important for your careers and you should not at all be engaged in any activities related to a mere wastage of your time. Let others bump up their TRPs rather than you becoming the victim. Assume that all the cricket matches are fixed. It is as easy to get rid of this fever of cricket.
At the end of the day, all that matters is your confident positive attitude which is going to help you crack all the exams. Please don’t waste these important 3 months of your life. You need to prove yourself buddy. You can still study for a 1000 hours in this time period and I have seen a lot of students doing exceptionally good and bad in entrance exams all attributed to their efforts in this crucial time period.

BTW, do you still remember the titration curve between a Strong Acid and a Strong Base and how the pH changes near equivalence point in this graph ? In real life, you can relate this graph to be as Performance versus time OR Tension versus time depending on your “karma” (:-)). Don’t worry if you didn’t understand this.

I would like to wish everyone of you a great luck for these next 2-3 months.

EAMCET 2014 Notification on 10th February, 2014

Andhra Pradesh Council of Higher Education announced the dates of various common entrance exams that will be held in 2014. EAMCET 2014 schedule is also released. According to the notification, EAMCET 2014 notification will be released in February and it will be held in May.
Hyderabad: EAMCET 2014 for engineering and medical examination is going to be held on May 17, 2014. Andhra Pradesh higher education council finalized the dates of various common entrance exams. Higher education council minister Chairman Venugopal Reddy released the schedule for EAMCET 2014. EAMCET will be held on May 17in 2014 for which notification will be released on February 10, 2014. Results will be announced on June 2, it was informed.

Dates of other common entrance tests are also finalized. PECET will be held on May, 5; ECET on May 100; POLYCET on May 21; ICET on May 25; EdCET on June 2; LAWCET on June 8 and PG ECET will be held from June 25 to June 29 in the coming year.

It is also informed that EAMCET may go online from 2015. This is in line with other common entrance tests such as CAT and BITSAT. This was revealed by APSCHE chairman Venugopal Reddy. He added that efforts are being made make the test online. Students will be given enough time to and only then decision on online test will be taken.

EAMCET 2014 will be conducted by JNTU, Hyderabad and the convener will be N V Ramana Rao. Candidates who are desirous to join BTech, BSC agriculture, BSC Horticulture and medical courses in Andhra Pradesh need to qualify in EAMCE. Qualifying in this exam only gives access into different courses offered by universities as well as various private engineering and medical colleges in Andhra Pradesh.
EAMCET Schedule

  • EAMCET 2014 notification will be released in February 10, 2014
  • EAMCET will be held on May 17, 2014
  • Results will be announced on June 2, 2014  

Brother's Academy, Ranchi Felicitates KVPY 2013 Achievers

On 28/12/2013 the meritorious students of Brother’s Academy were honored in a ceremony organized by the Academy at its premises. The students successful in KVPY Exam – Pratyush Anand, Shubham Raj,
Samyak, Utkarsh Sinha and Alok Kumar, also the Rank 1 and 2 of RMO  (Jharkhand Region) Samyak and Shubham Raj were awarded with certificates alongwith cash reward.

In just two years, Brother’s Academy has helped many students of the city in their significant success in different competitive exams and in IITJEE. It has produced the toppers of Ranchi City for two
consecutive years [2012 & 2013] in IIT-JEE and Class XII Boards.

On this occasion, All three Directors of Brother’s Academy – Paras

Agarwal, Prem Prasoon & Shubhendu Shekhar motivated and blessed the students for success in all future competitive exams.

To see the coverage of theses successful students in newspapers of Ranchi

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Over 100 IIT-Bombay students get offshore jobs

 MUMBAI: Over 100 students at IIT-Bombay were placed my multinational companies for their global requirement this year. The corresponding numbers, last year, was around 80. The first phase of placements came to an end on December 19 with 889 students on the campus getting job offers, which is over 55% of the total strength on the campus. The analysis of the data shows that the placement session this year was least affected by the global slowdown.

Reputed organizations from Europe, Japan, Korea, Middle East, Singapore, Taiwan, USA etc. visited IIT Bombay this year. While a significant number of such companies included regular recruiters, many new international companies also came down to the campus this year. Even though a few US companies did not turn up for placements this year owing to visa issues, several companies from countries like Japan, made up for their absence.

The inclination towards technical and software sectors continued to dominate students' choices with 265 students picking up jobs in engineering and technology, followed by 249 in software and IT firms. Maximum offers on an average were made by firms in these two sectors. Around 25 firms in the analytics sector hired 83 candidates and 21 consulting firms hired 73 students in all. A couple of NGOs too have picked up one student each from the campus. Only one public sector company that came in the first phase hired two students, more will visit the campus in the second phase, which begins from January first week, said an official. Several educational institutes also made job offers to 23 students, including few doctoral degrees, to join them as faculty members.

In all, 889 students got job offers from 260 companies at the end of the first phase, out of 1,600 students. Last year, out of 1,300 students, 828 students had got job offers from 240 firms after the first phase.

'Opportunities in research and development (R&D) have been steadily growing for the past few years and this year too, IIT Bombay saw some premier job offers in this sector', said the official release issued by the institute. A total of 13 research and development organisations offered 35 positions in the first phase.

Major companies who made their presence felt in the first phase include Google, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, Boston Consulting Group, Shell, Morgan Stanley, IBM, Schlumberger, Sony (Japan), Samsung (Korea), LinkedIn, Deutsche Bank, Oracle and ITC, among others.

IIT’s Humanities and Social Sciences Entrance Examination on April 20, 2014

IIT’s Humanities and Social Sciences Entrance Examination on April 20, 2014
IIT Madras will conduct its entrance exam for Humanities and Social Science courses on Aprin 20.
Online registration for Admissions for humanities courses in IIT-Madras begins on December 18, 2014. Last date for submitting online applications is January 17.

Last date for paying exam fee is January 24. Last date for accepting applications through post is January 27.
Humanities and social sciences entrance examination will be held on April 20, 2014. More information can be obtained from

Admissions for Bachelor and MSc integrated level humanities courses are done through JEE-Advanced. IIT-Madras will give admissions based on Humanities and Social Sciences Entrance examinations. HSEE notification for the year 2014 is already released and the details of PhD, MPhil and post graduate courses can be obtained from the websites of institutes.

Image courtesy:

Monday, 23 December 2013

Placements at top engineering colleges pick up steam

The mood was upbeat at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Bombay after the first two weeks of the final placements for the academic year 2013-14 that started on December 1. By December 16, the institute had made 843 placements, with offers coming in from as many as 245 companies. The highest offer, at $135,000, came from durables and handset major Samsung Korea, which hired 14 candidates for both its US and Korea offices compared to just one last year. Placement faculty in charge Avijit Chatterjee is confident of many more companies coming in. "We are expecting 350 companies to make offers this time round," he said. "We normally place anywhere between 800 to 900 students every year, but this year it could be more."

{mosimage}Hiring from top-notch engineering campuses appears to have seen a revival in the current year, with some of India's top institutes seeing big companies, especially from the technology space, swooping down on campuses, offering high pay packets. This year, a host of multinational companies, including Microsoft, Samsung, Google, Facebook, Intel, Nomura and Citicorp, have been active in the Indian campuses, along with home-bred firms such as Flipkart. IIT-Bombay has seen a 10-15 per cent hike over last year in the average salary being offered to students on the first day of campus placements. The institute, like its peers in the country, keeps the name of the students picked up by companies under wraps. IIT-Madras saw big firms such as Oracle, Intel Technology and Nomura and Eaton Technologies make bulk recruitments. IIT Delhi saw around 570 students getting placed upto December 16. "The numbers are more or less the same as that of last year," says Shashi Mathur, Professor-In-Charge, Training and Placement Cell of IIT-Delhi. "However, this time, we are seeing more companies coming in for recruitment, as opposed to fewer companies making bulk recruitment,"

At IIT-Kanpur on December 1, students accepted around 125 offers from 20 companies. As many as 225 companies are scheduled to interview students this year compared with 170 last year at the institute. IIT Kharagpur, meanwhile, saw the highest package of $125,000 in the first few days of the placement. E-commerce company Flipkart is said to have made 26 offers at Flipkart, the highest among any IIT. In the final campus placement, students get picked up in their seventh or eighth semester of their course, and will be able to join the respective companies by May, after they complete their graduation.

At IIT-Bombay, the offers came in from a mix of IT and engineering companies. The top IT companies included Google, Microsoft, IBM and Linked In, while engineering comprised Shell, Schlumberger and Eaton. Consulting major Goldman Sachs had a presence this year, and so did top Indian firms such as Tata Motors and Reliance Industries. The first phase of the placements will go on upto December 18, and the second phase will start in the second week of January and continue through July. Google picked up three people for is California office, and seven for the Indian office. Investment firm WorldQuant made an offer of Rs.38 lakh a year for a domestic posting to pick up four students, while private equity major Blackstone offered Rs.35 lakh.

Start-ups vie with established firms

IIT Rourkee, on the other hand, saw 60 companies making offers at the campus upto December 6, placing 340 students, mostly from the IT sector. Some of the major MNCs that came in to recruit from the campus include Google, Oracle, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and Schlumberger. Large Indian companies that recruited included ITC, Cairn Energy, Tata Motors, Reliance Industries and Reliance Jio Infocomm. According to Keerthi Agarwal, student placement co-ordinator at the institute, there were several start ups that came down to the campus too, including advertising services company Wooqer, analytics company Axtria, and management portal Indus Inside. These start-ups are offering salaries in the range of Rs.8 lakh to Rs.16 lakh per annum. Google made the highest offer at a whopping $1,25,000 per annum, with additional bonuses and stock options, for a position at its global headquarters in Mountain View, California. Overall, around eight students were offered positions overseas in the first six days of placements at IIT Rourkee.

At IIT Kharagpur, 250 companies had visited the institute in the first six days of the placement season, and 400 students were placed. Some of the major companies that recruited from the campus include Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Schlumberger Asia Services, Google, IBM, Shell, Abbott, SAP (Europe), Hindustan Unilever and Housing. The highest domestic package offered was Rs.37 lakh and the highest offer from abroad $1.25 lakh, said Sudhirkumar Barai, Professor-in-charge, training & placement.

Recruiters at campuses are broadly categorised into four - consulting firms, investment banking companies, IT companies which include internet based firms, and software companies, and traditional large recruiters. Almost all major Indian companies, including Reliance Industries, Larsen & Toubro and Asian Paints, among others, are major recruiters from top-notch campuses.
It was not just money that drove some students to pick up offers. Two students of IIT Kanpur are reported to have rejected a Rs.1.31 crore offer from US technology major Oracle to settle for more challenging but less paying jobs at Google. Earlier, there had been attempts to pick up students through campus placements even in the 5th or the 6th semester. However, this was later dropped as it was seen to interfere with students' studies.
"Our requirements in terms of trainees who join the company saw an increase between financial year 2010-11 and 2011-12," says Yogi Sriram who heads HR at engineering and construction major Larsen & Toubro. Thereafter, the pattern of intake has been consistent with an average total requirement of trainees in categories such as graduate engineer trainees, post graduate engineer trainees and diploma trainees, notching up to over 4,000 per year, he added.

Overall picture still grim

Experts say that the placement environment has turned out to be better for the top institutes, although the story is not so bright for the Tier 2 and 3 campuses. According to E Balaji, former CEO of manpower consulting firm Randstad, it is the Tier 1 institutions, such as the IITs, and NITIE (National Institute of Industrial Engineering at Powai in Mumbai) that are witnessing an increase in recruitment from top-rung companies, while many graduates in smaller institutions are left out, either because large companies do not visit these campuses, or companies do not find the students employable.
Only 20 per cent of the two lakh graduates that come out of 3,600 engineering colleges in the country get placed in suitable jobs. "In that case, there is both unemployment and underemployment," says Balaji. "Several engineers end up working as sales executives, so there is no link between what they studied and what they do." Even premier institutions had found it difficult to place all their students in the recent past. During 2012-13, as much as 23 per cent students of IIT-Bombay failed to get a placement, compared to 18 per cent in the year earlier, due to the slowdown. Of the 1,421 students who registered for the placement programme, only 1,099 or 77 per cent were offered jobs then.

Several engineering colleges bore the brunt of the economic slowdown. In the first six months of the current fiscal, as many as 116 engineering colleges and business schools asked the technical education regulator All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) permission to shut down, compared to 100 in the whole of 2012-13. In four states, over two lakh engineering seats lay vacant in the current academic year, as only a fifth of graduates in the previous year go jobs as slowdown hampered recruitment.

"The rebound is happening largely in recruitment by IT companies in IITs, but not beyond that," says Manish Sabharwal, Chairman of Teamlease, a staffing firm. There are signals that the confidence is coming back in IT. However, average freshers' salary for IT majors such as Infosys, Wipro and TCS has remained the same, since there is a glut of engineers at present. "Recruitment by MNCs make headlines, but do not move the needle," he added. Engineering and manufacturing companies are not adding recruits at the entry level, and a rebound to 2007 levels of recruitment in these sectors is nowhere in sight.
AICTE also said that the percentage growth in number of engineering institutions in India has come down from high of 43.2 per cent in fiscal 2009 to 5.3 per cent in fiscal 2012. "In some cases, half the seats at engineering colleges are not filled. Also, only half the students that graduate get jobs in the first year, which is a cause to worry," says Balaji. "The overall picture is still not rosy."

Read more at:

IITian on Road to become Chief Minister

एक ऐसी शख्सियत, जिसकी भीड़ में कोई पहचान नहीं है। लोग 45 साल के इस शख्स को अरविंद केजरीवाल के नाम से जानते हैं। जो कभी इनकम टैक्स विभाग में अधिकारी हुआ करता था, लेकिन साधारण सी कद काठी वाला यह शख्स कब दिल्ली की सबसे ताकतवर कुर्सी का दावेदार बन गया, यह बाकी पार्टियों को भी पता नहीं चला।
हरियाणा के भिवानी जिले के सीवानी मंडी में 16 अगस्त 1968 को गोविंद राम केजरीवाल और गीता देवी के घर जन्माष्टमी के दिन अरविंद का जन्म हुआ और इसीलिए घरवाले प्यार से उन्हें किशन भी बुलाते हैं। हिसार से ही अरविंद ने अपनी हाईस्कूल तक की पढ़ाई पूरी की। देश के नामी गिरामी भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान खड़गपुर से मैकेनिकल इंजीनियरिंग करने के बाद केजरीवाल ने कुछ समय टाटा स्टील में नौकरी की।
वह वर्ष 1989 में टाटा स्टील से जुड़े और वर्ष 1992 में कंपनी को अलविदा कह दिया। उन्होंने कुछ समय कोलकाता के रामकृष्णन आश्रम और नेहरू युवा केन्द्र में बिताया।
यूपीएससी में इंटरव्यू देने से पहले अरविंद केजरीवाल कोलकाता गए थे। कोलकाता में उनकी मुलाकात मदर टेरेसा से हुई। अरविंद ने कालीघाट पर काम किया और शायद यहीं से उन्हें दूसरों के लिए जीने का नजरिया मिला। 1995 में अरविंद इंडियन रेवेन्यू सर्विस के लिये चुने गये थे।
ट्रेनिंग के बाद दिल्ली में इनकम टैक्स डिपार्टमेंट में अस्सिटेंट कमिश्नर बने। लेकिन यहां भी अपने लिये उन्होंने खुद नियम बनाये। वो नियम थे, अपनी टेबल को खुद साफ करना, डस्टबिन की गंदगी को खुद हटाना, किसी काम के लिये चपरासी का इस्तेमाल नहीं करना। इनकम टैक्स डिपार्टमेंट में नौकरी करते हुये ही केजरीवाल ने डिपार्टमेंट में भ्रष्टाचार कम करने की मुहिम शुरु कर दी थी। आईआरएस सेवा के प्रशिक्षण के दौरान ही केजरीवाल ने अपनी बैचमेट सुनीता से विवाह किया। केजरीवाल के एक पुत्र और एक पुत्री है।
साल 2000 में केजरीवाल ने परिवर्तन नाम के एक एनजीओ की शुरुआत की। बैनर पोस्टर छपवाये। जिन पर लिखा था रिश्वत मत दीजिये, काम न हो तो हमसे संपर्क कीजिये। परिवर्तन के जरिए उन्होंने देश भर में सूचना के अधिकार का अभियान चलाया। बिल बेशक केंद्र सरकार ने पारित किया हो, लेकिन जनता के बीच जाकर उन्हें जागृत करने का जिम्मा अरविंद और उनके परिवर्तन ने उठाया।
अरविंद को ‘राइट टू इन्फॉरमेशन’ पर काम के लिये एशिया का नोबल पुरस्कार कहा जाने वाला मैग्सेसे अवार्ड मिला। परिवर्तन की लड़ाई का ही अगला चरण था जनलोकपाल। यह सिलसिला बढ़ता गया और केजरीवाल ने फरवरी 2006 में नौकरी से इस्तीफा दे दिया और पूरे समय के लिए सिर्फ परिवर्तन में ही काम करने लगे।
इसके बाद देश में शुरू हुआ भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ सबसे बड़ा आंदोलन। आंदोलन को जनसमर्थन तो पूरा मिला, लेकिन जनलोकपाल बिल
नहीं बन पाया। केजरीवाल ने राजनीति में आने का फैसला किया। यहीं से अन्ना हजारे और केजरीवाल के रास्ते अलग हो गए, लेकिन केजरीवाल अन्ना के बिना भी आगे बढ़ते गए।
26 नवंबर 2012 में केजरीवाल की आम आदमी पार्टी अस्तित्व में आई। महज एक साल पहले पैदा हुई आम आदमी पार्टी ने दिल्ली में काबिज कांग्रेस और बीजेपी को कड़ी टक्कर दी। केजरीवाल ने मुख्यमंत्री शीला दीक्षित के खिलाफ चुनाव लड़ने की घोषणा करके सबको चौंका दिया। राजनीतिक पंडित उनके इस फैसले को लेकर अचंभित हो गए।
ऐसी चर्चा होने लगी कि केजरीवाल ने अपना राजनीतिक सफर शुरू होने से पहले ही खत्म कर लिया, लेकिन दिसम्बर में हुए विधानसभा चुनाव में उन्होंने सभी को आश्चर्यचकित कर दिया। उन्होंने नई दिल्ली विधानसभा सीट से दीक्षित को 23 हजार से अधिक मतों से पराजित कया और उनकी पार्टी ने 70 सदस्यीय विधानसभा में 28 सीटें हासिल की। केजरीवाल ने ‘स्वराज’ नाम से एक पुस्तक भी लिखी है। यह पुस्तक 2012 में प्रकाशित हुई।

Only 10 Indian names among top 100 BRICS universities

In a reflection of the country’s higher education scenario, only 10 Indian institutions feature among the top 100 institutions in BRICS nations and other emerging economies in a recent survey.

Panjab University, at 13, has got the best rank among Indian universities with 40.2 points, followed by six IITs, Jadavpur University (47) and Aligarh Muslim University (50) figuring in the top 50 list.

The only other institution figuring in the list is Jawaharlal Nehru University at 57th rank with 25.3 points.

The Times Higher Education BRICS and Emerging Economies Rankings 2014 powered by Thomson Reuters includes only institutions in countries classified as “emerging economies” by FTSE, including the “BRICS” nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

The study used the same methodology as the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, covering all core missions of a world-class university — teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook — based on 13 carefully-calibrated performance indicators.

Interestingly, 23 universities from China figure in the list, including the first two slots: Peking University is ranked number one with 65 points and Tsinghua University comes second with 63.5 points.

The University of Cape Town in South Africa is rated three with 50.3 points. Also, 23 universities from Taiwan figure in the top 100.

In a similar ranking of Universities at Asia level, only three Indian institutions, including IIT Bombay, IIT Kharagpur and IIT Roorkee, figure in the top 100.

While the horizon gets broader at world level, no university from India figures in the list of top 200 institutions around the world.

Panjab University is the first Indian institution ranked at 239th position at the global level.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Karnataka entrance exam: COMEDK UGET to be held on May 11, 2014

The Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka (COMEDK) will conduct the undergraduate entrance test (UGET) to all unaided professional colleges in Karnataka on May 11, 2014.
The COMEDK chief executive has made this announcement after the committee set-up by the government had stated that all the private colleges, minority institutions and deemed universities in the state need to conduct a single entrance test for admissions.
This is as per the Karnataka Professional Educational Institutions Act, 2006, which the Karnataka government has decided to implement from the next academic year.
The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) will hold a separate entrance exam for admissions to government and aided colleges.
More details on the COMEDK entrance examination will be available on the official website

CLAT 2014: Exam on May 11; to have online registration and counselling

The Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), who has been entrusted with conducting the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) 2014, has decided to introduce online application system to register for the exams.
The date for the exam has been scheduled for May 11, 2014.
To streamline the application and admission process, other than the online application procedure, it has also been decided to introduce centralized online counselling for admissions.
The participating Universities are: NLSIU, Bangalore (Karnataka); NALSAR, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh); NLIU, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh); WBNUJS, Kolkata (West Bengal); NLU, Jodhpur (Rajasthan); HNLU, Raipur (Chattisgarh); RMLNLU, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh); RGNUL, Patiala (Punjab); CNLU, Patna (Bihar); NUALS, Kochi (Kerala); NLUO, Cuttack (Odisha); NUSRL, Ranchi (Jharkhand); and NLUJA, Guwahati (Assam).
If candidates have any queries, it can be sent to:

And any suggestions they may have can be sent oto:

JEE (Mains) 2014: Last 6 days left to register and submit applications

If you are looking to get into any of the top centrally controlled colleges or just any engineering college in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Odisha or Madhya Pradesh, then time is running out for you to register yourself for JEE (Mains) 2014.
The registrations for the all-India level engineering entrance began on November 15, 2013 and will continue till December 26 i.e. it will close six days from today.
The JEE (Main)-2014 will be held on April 6, 2014 (Pen & Paper Based Examination) and April 9, 11, 12 & 19, 2014 (Computer Based Examination).
Students can log on to the official website at and submit their applications. And for the first time, everything from uploading photographs, signatures and payment of the fees have to be done online.
Here are the seven steps students need to follow to submit the application as given in the official website:
Step 1: Download the information bulletin and read it carefully to ensure your eligibility.
Step 2: Read the contents of Online Format and instructions for applying online given in the Information Bulletin and keep the entire information ready.
Step 3: Keep the scanned images of your photograph, signature and left hand thumb impression ready in JPG format only.
Step 4: Fill in the Online Application Form.
Step 5: Upload Scanned Images of Photograph, Signature and Thumb Impression.
Step 6: Pay Examination Fee by Debit/Credit card or e-Challan (generated after submission of details in online application form) .
Step 7: Download Acknowledgement Slip and keep the same in safe custody.
NOTE - The candidate should mention only his/her own or parents’ mobile no. and e-mail ID while submitting the On-Line application, as all the communications will be sent to the candidates on their registered Mobile Number and E-mail ID only.

#MORE: JEE 2014 updates here :

Admissions into Army Institute Engg through JEE Main

New Delhi: Army Institute of Technology (AIT), Pune, will admit students to the various Bachelor of Engineering Programmes of the Institute through the Joint Entrance Examination (Main) to be c0nducted by the CBSE. The Programmes are open to wards of Army personnel only. A total of 300 seats are available at AIT for the BE Programmes. There are 120 seats in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, 60 seats each in Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Information Technology.

Applicants must fall into one of the following categories.

Children of serving Army personnel with minimum 10 years continuous service in the Army
Children of ex Army personnel granted/ awarded regular pension, liberalized family pension, family pension or disability pension at the time of their superannuation, demise, discharge, release medical board/ invalided medical board. This includes wards of recruits medically boarded out and granted disability pension

Children of ex-Army personnel who have taken discharge or released after ten years of service
(b) Adopted /Step children and Children of Remarried Widows
Adopted Child of Army personnel if adopted at least five years prior to seeking admission
Step Children are eligible provided they are born from a wedding where at least one parent belonged to the Army who is otherwise eligible.
(c) Eligibility Criteria in Special Cases
(i) Eligibility Criteria for Wards of Ex-Army Medical Corps Officers/Army Dental Corps Officers presently serving with Indian Navy or Indian Air Force (IN/IAF): Wards of only those ex-Army medical officers/Army Dental Corps officers presently serving with Indian Navy or Indian Air Force who have served with the Army for at least 10 years
(ii) Eligibility Criteria for Children of APS/ MNS/TA Personnel
(aa) Children of APS personnel classified as ex- servicemen as per Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No 9 (52)/88/D(Res) dated 19 Jul 89
(ab) Children of those APS personnel who are on deputation and who have put in 10 years of service in the Army
(ac) Children of APS personnel, who are directly recruited into APS who have competed 10 years of service and of those who as per their terms and conditions of service, retired from APS without reversion to P&T Department after completing their minimum pensionable service of which 10 years was in the Army
(ad) Children of only those members of MNS who have 10 years’ service as regular members of MNS or are in receipt of pension from the Army
(ae) Children of only those TA personnel who have completed 10 years of embodied service
(d) The candidate must fulfil the age criteria requirements as per JEE Main 2013.
Applicant must be an Indian citizen or a PIO who obtains Indian citizenship before admission.

AIT admission is based on the Rank obtained in the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Main 2014. Hence, those eligible and interested in AIT admissions are required to appear in JEE Main 2014 and also apply to AIT for Admission. Application can be submitted for JEE Main 2014 ‘Online’. For Application form and the Information Bulletin of JEE (Main), applicants may visit JEE(Main) website

AIT Application Form: JEE (Main) Application Form should be filled before filling AIT Application Form. The JEE (Main) Roll No must be endorsed on the AIT Application Form before submitting it to AIT. Failure to do so would result in rendering the AIT Application Form null and void. Application to AIT can be submitted online or offline. Online application form is available at Application fee of Rs 750/- can be paid through credit/debit card or net banking. In addition candidate will need to pay a processing charge of Rs 37/-.

A limited quantity of Prospectus (hard copies) with application form will be available at AIT, Pune, HQ Commands and Headquarters AWES on payment of Rs 750/- through bank DD of a nationalised bank drawn in favour of ‘Director, AIT’ and payable at Pune. No payment through cheque (including at-par cheques) will be accepted.

Prospectus with application form can also be obtained by post from AIT on payment of Rs 820/- through bank DD drawn in favour of ‘Director, AIT’, payable at Pune. Candidates are advised to use online facility for applying as far as possible.

Last date for submission of completed Application Form for AIT admission is 30th April 2014. After that AIT forms will be accepted along with a late fee of Rs 500/- till 5th May 2014. Admission at AIT, Pune, will tentatively take place three weeks after the date of declaration of JEE (Main) All India Rank. Admission schedule and Joining Instructions will be hosted on the AIT website .

IIT-Delhi to launch 5-year B.Tech-MBA, new curriculum, use only 50% fees

by Lajwanti D'Souza in MBA in India21 December '13( Source: Pagal Guy)

Following IIM Indore's much talked about innovation - the IPM, IIT-Delhi has now decided to launch a 5-year B.Tech-MBA from the next academic year.
This and other plans below as disclosed by Head of Management Studies, IIT-Delhi, Dr Kanika Bahl

It's been a year, you've taken over, what are the jobs done?
One is that for part-time MBA we conducted the admission process through GATE - this provides more credibility to the admission process. Another major initiative that we are starting a B.Tech MBA five-year dual degree programme for B.Tech students. We do hope to have international collaborations for this initiative.
Any increase in fees?
No, in fact from the 2013 (graduating in 2015) batch onwards, only 50% of the fee would be used directly for students. This money is being used for their international exposure through a Global Field Study (GFS), where student would spend time in a foreign location to understand the global nature of business. Talks are on to send them to destinations in Asia, Europe, US etc. In the US we are in discussions with Wharton, Harvard, MIT Sloans etc. Besides, some money would be used for inviting global experts in different field.
Curriculum change?
Yes, it is on. We will re-look at the curriculum so that it reflects the current world scenario. A bit of re-focus of what should be given more importance and what is less important. There will be many more electives to choose from as well. Also stress on ethics, leadership skills, responsibility etc. We hope to put the new curriculum in place with the next session beginning July 20144.
Faculty numbers?
We have had 12 faculty for several years. In the last one year we have taken the number up to 17 and this number is likely to go to 19 in the next few months. Some 200 applied and we brought down the choice to 2. This is where IIT, helps - the process takes time but it ensures quality.

No. Not till we manage to take the faculty to 25, we would not like to increase student intake and spoil the faculty-student ratio.

Is it a satisfying job to head IIT-Delhi?
IIT Delhi has kind of been my first job after I returned from MIT Sloan. I have been here for twenty years so have been through the process. I am deeply aware of the issues that need to be handled. I am able to function well because of an extremely competent, committed and supportive faculty colleagues.
Your academic dreams?
I would like to be known as someone extremely good in research - someone in the top bracket. Research in ethics is my forte and I hope I can keep at it and do a extremely good job of it.
Does being a woman the helm, change or better things?

Worried over ranking, IIT-Delhi to hold first-ever alumni meet

NEW DELHI, December 21, 2013
After IIT-Delhi’s poor status in the world rankings, the alumni of the institution were so worried that they have decided to hold first-ever alumni meeting on December 29. Themed, “Envisioning the Future. Together,” the event is expected to draw around 2,000 alumni.
“There have been concerns about the declining rank of IITs and we are worried about this. On this Alumni Day, we commit ourselves to alter this. Many top brains that have changed the contours of the world in many ways are expected to come up with a blueprint for the future and lend themselves to this task,” said alumni association secretary Ashok Kumar.
35,000 alumni
“In the past, alumni have contributed in a big way to their alma mater. They helped in establishing an Innovation Centre, Innovation Awards and various centres for advanced studies at IIT-Delhi in addition to numerous scholarship programs. This year, the alumni shall be sharing and contributing ideas on how to transform IIT-Delhi into one of the world’s top 20 research and technology institutions,” said alumni association president Pravin Purang, adding that the institute has more than 35,000 alumni spread across the globe. “These include many successful entrepreneurs, corporate czars and senior decision-makers in the government. The illustrious list includes the RBI Governor, Dr. Raghuram Rajan,” he said, while explaining that more than 2,000 alumni were expected to participate in the event.
Some of the areas that are likely to be discussed include strengthening the academia-industry linkage, infrastructure and research. The alumni and their families will meet, interact with each other and explore how the association can be made more vibrant and useful for the institute and the nation.

Hiring at IIT: Not all computer science graduates placed

MUMBAI: A computer science degree from an Indian Institute of Technology does more than just sate the quest for an education. Each year, millions of 18-year-olds take an entrance exam, many of their eyes set on grabbing a seat in the computer science (CS) school, only to graduate four years hence feeling like a million dollars, and going on to make all that money. This year though the story has been different for some.

As the first phase of placements at all the IITs come to a close, a handful of computer science students are yet to be placed and will participate in the second edition that starts in January. Most of their other batchmates got bulge-bracket offers during the very first hours of placement. Half the CS batch at most tech schools was placed by the end of Day 1.

Across the IITs, recruitment for computer science graduates closes the earliest with companies snapping up all the talent available. Often, recruiters that want to come in the latter part of the hiring season have to be turned away as no graduates are available.

But this year, IIT-Bombay has nine CS students who are yet to be placed. IIT-Guwahati has 13 CS candidates who will be a part of placements in January.

Five MTech computer science graduates from IIT-Kanpur, and three from IIT-Madras will sit through the second round of the placement process.

"Generally, computer science students all get placed early in the placement process, but we have a few students who have not yet been placed. Some do not have the required credits or have a low CGPA," said professor Babu Viswanathan, placement advisor at IIT-Madras. Close to 50% of the batch has been placed with CS topping the charts.

The story is similar at IIT-Guwahati with 40% of the batch being placed of the 912 who have registered for placements. Close to 85% of the CS students from the graduating class have been hired, barring six BTech and seven MTech candidates.

At IIT-Delhi though, 100% computer science students have been hired. Close to 65% of the 1,100 candidates who registered for placements at IIT-Kanpur have been placed.

"There are many reasons why some IIT-Bombay students are not yet placed. Some haven't selected by any firm, some have not found anything interesting enough, others are still waiting for a university they may want to go to or they may dabble in a start-up," said a member of IIT-B's placement team

Friday, 20 December 2013

Over 100 students at NMIMS get placed on the basis of their summer internship performance

MUMBAI: Despite turbulence in the markets, recruitment freezes across employers, etc, over hundred students from the School of Business Management, NMIMS have got job offers based on the summer internship performance from top corporates across the world.

Debashis Sanyal, Dean of the school, said, "I am confident of good placements for the entire batch. Considering the markets in the state of flux and gloomy economic scenario, the 108 pre-placement offers/pre-placement interviews signify that the industry has faith in the institute." He added that offers on the basis of internships are an emerging recruitment trend for leadership level recruitments across companies. Summers hold a special significance as it is an apt mechanism for companies to spot bright talent early and lead to offers."

The companies that have given the offers include Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, Asian Paints, ITC, Dabur, Flipkart, GE, DBS, ICICI Bank, Castrol, JP Morgan, Capgemini, Idea, Vodafone, Kellogg's, Perfetti, Pidilite, Cognizant Business Consulting, CRISIL, M&M, Barclays, Polaris, Mahindra Comviva, Titan, Wipro, Cummins, Group M, Henkel, IBM, Marico etc.

Summer internship is not only a window to the corporate world but also a relationship building tool for NMIMS. It allows the companies to have a look at the talent at NMIMS, thereby strengthening final placements. The summer project is expected to build on the theoretical learning with practical experience. Additionally, the internship also helps students identify gaps in their learning which they can attempt to fill in their second year of management studies

JEE (main) online gets bigger, to be offered in 235 locations for 5 lakh candidates

NEW DELHI: Joint Entrance Examination (main) conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for admission to engineering/ architecture programmes could turn out to be the biggest online exam of the country surpassing Common Admission Test conducted by the Indian Institutes of Management.

CBSE is offering the online (computer-based exam) in 235 cities/ towns this year with a capacity of 5 lakh students in four days. Earlier it was known as AIEEE, which used to be the world's largest single day entrance test.

CBSE experimented with the online mode in 2011 when over 1.25 lakh candidates registered for online. In the second year the number increased to 1.75 lakh. More than 14 lakh aspirants are expected to register for the test. CAT conducts the online test for around 2 lakh candidates over a period of 20 days.

As per the plans, according to chairman of CBSE, Vineet Joshi, one out of every three urban centres will have an exam centre for the online mode of the JEE (main) 2014. "There are around 600 cities/ towns in the country. Since the offline exam is offered in just 85 locations, candidates need to travel long distance. In order to ensure that majority of the aspirants don't have to travel long distance, specially for female candidates it becomes a problem as they have to look for accommodation and security is also a concern, the Board is offering the option of taking the exam online exam in as many as 235 cities/ towns of the country. This is apart from the 85 cities/ towns which will have centres for offline (pen-paper) mode of the exam." The idea is to offer the exam as close to the candidates home as possible so that they can prepare well and given their best shot instead of worrying about logistics.

JEE (main) is conducted by CBSE for admission to National Institutes of Technology (NITs), Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs), other centrally funded technical institutions (CFTIs), institutions under several participating State Governments and several other institutions. This exam is also the preliminary one from which the top 1.5 lakh candidates stand a chance to appear for the JEE (advanced), the entrance for the IITs.

Stating that the final aim is to completely turn it into an online exam, Joshi said: "Finally in the long-run we definitely want this to be an online exam."

In order to do away with the apprehension of taking the online test, the Board has also uploaded a real-time online mock test for practice so that aspirants can try it out before registering. "The online mock test will give the candidates the experience of the actual test. This will help them decide which mode they would prefer," said Joshi.

The registration for the exam started from November 15, 2013 and will continue till December 26, 2013. The offline exam is scheduled for April 6, 2014, the online (computer based) exams will be conducted on April 9, 11, 12 and 19. 

Over 22L to take CBSE 2014 boards

NEW DELHI: The CBSE exams for Classes X and XII, which are going to start on March 1, 2014, will break all records in terms of number of candidates. Overall, 22.65 lakh students are going to take the 2014 exams against 21.76 lakhs in March 2013.

The Class X exam will, for the first time, get over 13.25 lakh students, nearly 70,000 more than in March 2013. The count for the Class XII exam has increased by over 20,000. The schedule for both exams is likely to be released next week. According to CBSE officials, 13,25,627 candidates have registered for the Class X exam. Of these, 7.29 lakh students will sit for the school-based Summative II, while 5.96 lakhs will take the Board-based external exam. "The number of students taking the external and school-based exams has stabilized. Now, 55% students prefer the school-based exam," said CBSE chairman Vineet Joshi.

In 2014, students from around 14,700 schools-800 more than the previous year-will take the exams. "In Class XII, 9,40,228 candidates have registered. There has been a gradual increase in the number of candidates as many new schools have joined the CBSE system and numbers will go up significantly in next two years," said Joshi.

13 Students of FIITJEE, Indore Qualify in KVPY 2013


OJEE may be on 11th may, BTech admission thru JEE Main

BHUBANESWAR: The Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE 2014) for admission to various professional undergraduate and postgraduate courses is likely to be held on May 11, OJEE authorities said on Thursday.

"May 11 is the tentative date for the entrance. The OJEE 2014 will soon notify the exact details," said secretary, OJEE, Priyabrata Sahu.

OJEE sources said forms would be available from the last week of January. Admissions to courses such as MBA, MCA, MPharm, BTech lateral entry, BPharm lateral entry, bachelor of ayurvedic medicine and surgery, bachelor of homoeopathic medicine and surgery will be through the OJEE. For the first time, engineering (BTech) admission will not be through OJEE. The state government has decided to draw students from JEE Main 2014.

KVPY 2013 Cut off


The provisional list of students who have qualified in the Aptitude Test and eligible to be called for interview based on the performance in the KVPY Aptitude Test held on October 27, 2013 is published herewith.
The cut off marks for different streams are as under:
  • Stream SA- 53 marks out of 100
    SA SC/ST - 41 marks out of 100
    SA PWD(Person with disability) – 41 marks out of 100

  • Stream SB- 40 marks out of 100
    SB SC/ST -30 marks out of 100
    SB PWD(Person with disability) – 27 marks out of 100

  • Stream SX- 46 marks out of 100
    SX SC/ST - 35 marks out of 100
    SX PWD (Person with disability) – 35 marks out of 100

For re-evaluation of OMR answer sheet, the student has to pay a fee of Rs. 1000/- in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of Registrar, IISc, Bangalore-12 payable at Bangalore with a covering letter indicating the stream, application/seat number on or before 1st January 2014. Requests after the deadline of January 1, 2014 will not be entertained.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Chetan Bhagat in Bokaro, Emphasizes on Motivation

Courtsey; Arun Pathak
 ‘सद्प्रेरणा (मोटिवेशन) ही वह आधार है, जिसकी बदौलत बच्चों का भविष्य बनता है। प्रेरणा मिलने पर ही बच्चे पढ़ाई के प्रति जागरूक होते हुए सफलता प्राप्त करते हैं। परंतु सफलता के लिये भावनात्मक लगाव के साथ पूरी तैयारी और सभी की सहयोग बेहद जरूरी है। बच्चे किसी भी कीमत पर आत्मविश्वास न खोयें। यह आत्मविश्वास ही था जिसके दम पर अरविन्द केजरीवाल ने दिल्ली चुनाव में शीला दीक्षित को उनके विरुध्द खड़ा होकर परास्त किया।’ उक्त बातें जाने-माने उपन्यासकार, फिल्म पटकथा लेखक और स्तम्भकार चेतन भगत ने कही। श्री भगत यहां बोकारो क्लब में आयोजित सेमिनार को संबोधित कर रहे थे। उन्होंने जीवन में बच्चों को एक मिशन लेकर चलने तथा उसकी प्राप्ति के लिये आत्मविश्वास व दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ति के साथ अग्रसर होने की प्रेरणा दी। उन्होंने कहा कि जीवन में डटकर चुनौतियों का मुकाबला करें। असफल होने पर हतोत्साहित होने के बजाय दुगुनी इच्छा शक्ति के साथ मेहनत करनी चाहिये। अपने अनुभव बांटते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि यह उनकी इच्छाशक्ति ही थी कि वह एक उपन्यासकार से फिल्म पटकथा लेखक और फिर स्तम्भकार बने। उन्होंने अभिभावकों को अपने बच्चों पर झल्लाये बिना उनका समुचित मार्गदर्शन करने की भी जरूरत बतायी। उल्लेखनीय है कि चेतन भगत का नया मजेदार हास्य कथासंग्रह ‘लैटेस्ट बेबी’ अगले साल तक विमोचित हो जायेगा। वह ’3 इडियट्स’, ‘काइ पो चे’ एवं ‘वाट हेलो’ फिल्मों की पटकथा (स्क्रिप्ट) लिख चुके हैं।
Courtesy : 'Ranchi Express' :Deepak Kumar 

Mr D S Rajput, Centre Director, IItian Pace along with Students and Parents

Chetan Bhagat

Vijay Srivastava, HOD:Maths, IITian Pace, Bokaro with CB
Manish Kumar, Manager, IItian Pace,Bokaro with CB

16 students of FIITJEE Ranchi selected in KVPY in 2013

Mr Rajesh Karn, Centre Head FITJEE Congratulated all studetns and faculty members.

Mr Pankaj Kumar, AGM informed that FIITJEE students have been giving outstanding performance in KVPY since begining of Ranchi Centre

Brother's Academy, Ranchi students excel in KVPY

This is update from Facebook of Mr Paras Agarwal, Director, Brothers Academy

We are very thrilled to inform you that Brother's Academy, Ranchi has lived to its reputation of giving the best results of Ranchi city.

 For the past Two years we have been giving the City Toppers in IIT-JEE 2012(Shashi Prakash), IIT-JEE 2013(Anupam Khandelwal), Class XII Boards 2013(Rachit Jalan), INPhO(Anupam Khandelwal), INMO(Pratyush Anand) and many other prestigious exams of national level. 

This year also 5 of our students have cleared KVPY-2013 (Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana), the results of which was announced today(19/12/2013). 1. Pratyush Anand 2. Shubham Raj 3. Utkarsh Sinha 4. Samyak 5. Alok Kumar All of these 5 students are our regular classroom students and they are studying only in Brother's Academy, Tirupati Tower, Above NIKE Showroom, Circular Road, Ranchi-834001.

 Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) is a scholarship program funded by the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of India, aimed at encouraging students to take up research careers in the areas of basic sciences, engineering and medicine. It offers scholarship and contingency grants up to the pre-Ph.D. level to selected students. Started in 1999, it is administered by the Indian Institute of Science. The merit list is based on 75% weightage for Aptitude Test marks and 25% weightage for the interview marks in the streams SA, SB and SX. SA can be written by students studying in class 11. SX can be written by students studying in class 12.

Mr Paras Agarwal, Mr P Prasoon, and Mr Shubendu Shekhar, Directors, Brothers Academy.....

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