N Shiva Kumar a news paper vendor from Bangalore has apparently cracked CAT and secured a seat in IIM Calcutta, 23 year old Shiva has been working as a news paper vendor since class 6 and was a child of illiterate poor parents.
Shiva started out selling flowers in Class 3 to help his father pay up debt and eventually found a job as a news paper boy.Shiva Kumar did his engineering from Banaswadi, his studies funded by one of his customers Krishna Veda Vyasa and he says he owe it all to him.
Shiva started out selling flowers in Class 3 to help his father pay up debt and eventually found a job as a news paper boy.Shiva Kumar did his engineering from Banaswadi, his studies funded by one of his customers Krishna Veda Vyasa and he says he owe it all to him.
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