Friday 8 February 2013

How to prepare chemistry part for JEE

No doubt, based on analysis of last year JEE papers it is clear that chemistry is one such subject which can assure you guaranteed marks in IIT JEE if you have prepared well with this subject.

Always remember that chemistry is having many easy topics such as s, p, d blocks, transition elements, surface chemistry, coordination compounds, gaseous state, nuclear chemistry, chemical equilibrium and stereo-chemistry, these topics are not only easy but also very scoring.
Certain topics like organic chemistry are pretty much like mathematics and physics as far as IIT JEE is concerned as it relies on testing of concepts and questions are always framed considering multiple concepts together. Unlike organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry is directly opposite as all questions asked are always direct and do not need much application. Topics like stoichiometry are always difficult to handle and need lot of in depth knowledge about reactions and mole concept.
To score in chemistry it is very much advisable to solve past 10 years IIT JEE papers. Most of the questions are repeated in an indirect manner. This is truer for inorganic and organic chemistry than physical chemistry because in physical chemistry lot of concept testing is involved.

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