Sunday 10 February 2013

How to wake up early in the Morning !!

A healthy sleep routine is a difficult habit to adapt. Here are some tips that might be useful.

Know How much sleep you need
Generally doctors say that 8 hrs sleep is must for human. Remember that required sleep might differ for each human being. Now when you know , how much sleep you need you can start to prepare your night time plan.
Warm Milk
Relaxation (You can do some relaxing exercise)
Set Alarm clock at a time and don’t snooze it
Set your alarm clock at a correct time.Some people set it on 1 hour before and then snooze it 3-4 times. Avoid it, when your alarm clock rings, immediately start your day. Though you are still in bed but your mind starts work, so don’t snooze your clock.
Try putting your alarm clock where it is out of reach. You will then be forced to get out of bed to turn off the alarm.
Don’t drink caffeinated drinks at night.
Caffeinated drinks at night are main cause of insomnia.Your mind will stop to work at night but caffeinated drinks will keep your body awake.
So avoid them from today itself if you do so !!
Don’t depend upon your parents
Remember that good sleep is required for each age group. Make your alarm clock on buzz so you don’t wake up your parents, or anyone else who is trying to sleep.
Your body is master of itself
Tell your body that it has to wake up feeling rejuvenated at a specific time before going to sleep every night.
A healthy sleep routine is a difficult habit to adapt. Gradually set a wake time earlier (e.g., 10 minutes earlier every other week); this will help you wake up earlier without disrupting your sleep schedule.

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