Exam time is there , remember that all students try to give their best but only few will succeed. To get in top 10 or top 100 is not important, the most important thing is self satisfaction. There are many students complaining of losing their confidence just a few days before the exams, don’t do this at last moment. There are some ways that will help you to boost your confidence for exams.
Practice, Practice & Practice
If you have completed your syllabus. Try to solve as many papers as you can. Do some analysis of previous year question papers so that you may know frequently asked question in each subject. Prepare best answers for such questions, so that if any question repeat this year also you can give your best.
Time analysis
Some times paper is easy but lengthy, so prepare for that. While solving previous year papers try to finish it half an hour before. So that in your exams you will get enough time to re-check your answer sheet.
No Tension
Don’t think about your exam too much. You can’t do anything about it, what can you do is only study. Exam tension, exam anxiety or nervousness is all part of growing up. Most of this feeling comes from our mindset and pressure that comes from our family and teachers. Try to keep this at bay and you will do fine in your exams.
Be healthy and take breaks
Eat good food and have a good sleep. Take a break after certain time period, refresh your mind. In morning or evening go to any park and take some fresh air, relax your mind.
Practice, Practice & Practice
If you have completed your syllabus. Try to solve as many papers as you can. Do some analysis of previous year question papers so that you may know frequently asked question in each subject. Prepare best answers for such questions, so that if any question repeat this year also you can give your best.
Time analysis
Some times paper is easy but lengthy, so prepare for that. While solving previous year papers try to finish it half an hour before. So that in your exams you will get enough time to re-check your answer sheet.
No Tension
Don’t think about your exam too much. You can’t do anything about it, what can you do is only study. Exam tension, exam anxiety or nervousness is all part of growing up. Most of this feeling comes from our mindset and pressure that comes from our family and teachers. Try to keep this at bay and you will do fine in your exams.
Be healthy and take breaks
Eat good food and have a good sleep. Take a break after certain time period, refresh your mind. In morning or evening go to any park and take some fresh air, relax your mind.
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